Will switching up my skincare routine break me out?

Thinking of switching up your skincare routine? And wondering if doing so will break you out? We get this question all the time, and it is entirely normal to do so. Today we will talk about why you should change it up every so often.
When you first are introducing a new skincare routine or adding new products to your regimen, you may experience breakouts or skin flaking in the beginning. This process is sometimes called purging and is a normal, short condition where skin will rid itself of underlying oil, bacteria, and dirt. You may freak yourself out when seeing this happen to your skin and think the product is not working for you, but it may be a sign that it’s working! The duration of skin purging can vary, but it should not last more than 6 weeks. By then, your skin should be used to the product.
Seasons change, and so should your skincare routine. Typically, when it is wintertime, you may need a heavier moisturizer, and in summer, your skin craves lighter products. Sometimes you'll find after a while of using a certain product, it will stop working as well. This is because your skin has acclimated. It is not that the product just magically stopped working; you're just not seeing the same effects since your dermis has had time to get used to the product.
If you’re looking for products to help clear up your breakouts, try out our high & bye line. With the power of BioCanna®, expertly formulated with LYGOS-CBG, you can say goodbye to your blemishes by replenishing the skin's protective barrier and balancing your oil production.
We hope you learned why you should switch up your skincare routine and if it will break you out or not. If you have any skincare questions, feel free to DM us on Instagram!