6 Surprising Statistics About Acne

Raise your hand if you have ever experienced acne in any form - like blemishes, clogged pores, whiteheads or blackheads at some point in your life! Now how about that self-conscious feeling that goes along with it? You know the one that makes it seem like everyone can't stop staring at your acne, and that you're the only one in the whole world who struggles with acne? Well, we're here to tell you that even though you might feel this way from time-to-time, it couldn't be farther from the truth. That's why we created this list of surprising acne statistics to let you know that you are not alone! Keep reading until the very end for some tips for achieving healthy, beautiful skin.
Over 90% of the world's population is affected by acne at some point in their life.
In 2020, there were 60 million people suffering from acne in the United States - 20% of those cases resulting in some form of scarring.
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting over 50 million Americans each year.
Approximately 85% of people aged 12 - 24 experience at least a minor form of acne.
Acne can occur at any stage of your life, and can often continue into your 30s and 40s.
The amount of adults affected by acne is increasing, affecting up to 15% of women.
Now that you know the statistics, you're probably wondering how you can say bye to acne and blemishes for good. While the unfortunate truth is that there is no ‘cure’ for acne, rest assured that there are steps you can take to understand the causes of your acne, reduce your symptoms, improve the health of your skin, and keep acne-causing bacteria at bay! You'll want to start by making sure you are using the right skincare products along with a consistent skincare routine targeted at the type of acne you have. First, find out which skin type you have, and then head over to our blog post All About Acne where High's resident esthetician teaches you everything you need to know! Plus, check out our new high & bye line of blemish-targeting skincare products formulated with the blemish-fighting cannabinoid cannabigerol (CBG).
“Acne Therapeutics Market- Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020 - 2025).” Https://Www.researchandmarkets.com/, Mordor Intelligence, Aug. 2020, www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5175501/acne-therapeutics-market-growth-trends-and
“Skin Conditions by the Numbers: Acne.” American Academy of Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology Association, www.aad.org/media/stats-numbers